

曌能展才 衝破疫困



  典禮的尾聲是畢業生林曉棋同學代表全體畢業生──曌社向母校致送一幅對聯,上面寫有「育德育才創楝樑, 嚴管嚴教知禮法 」,期朌創知學生能感受學校的栽培之情,成為明辨是非,知禮守法的年青人。這幅對聯的寓意正好為畢業典禮畫上了圓滿的句號。

Annual Speech Day 2019-2020

Scientia Secondary School celebrated her Annual Speech Day on June 13, 2020 amidst the covid-19 pandemic. It was with great pleasure and gratitude that we welcomed Mr. Tsim Hung-Leung, Member of the CCPPC, as our Guest of Honour. We are especially grateful to Mr. Tsim, who has come and officiated the event in such trying times, both for our school and our society. He graced us not only with his presence but his inspiring speech, when he shared with our graduates his experiences of witnessing the enormous changes in China, encouraging them to be thankful to their parents, teachers, community and country. He also motivated them to be rational, critical and reflective thinkers so as to seek the truth and the meaning of life.

The ceremony, attended mainly by parents and students, commenced with the “Passing-on-the-Torch Ceremony” which symbolizes the passing on of traditions, dreams and hopes from our Form Six graduates to our junior form students. Dr. C.Y. Wong, in his principal’s address, highlighted the importance of the moral and value education. He also updated the graduates of the latest development in school, especially the intake of students and the major repairs which are still going on. He reiterated the school’s commitments to nurturing passionate and righteous persons and developing their potential to the fullest so that they could become successful persons who would contribute to the prosperity of Hong Kong and China. The Speech Day concluded with a video production by the Class of 2020, which served to refresh their fond and affectionate memories of spending 6 years here in Scientia Secondary School — now their alma mater.